Lordens Hill £25,000 flip profit 30% ROI

This is another investment property ARM Empire sourced for our investor making a return on investment of 30% in 8 months

An agent I have a very good relationship with introduced me to this property and we had a viewing with the landlord’s Father who wanted his son to sell it as the son owed him money for a flat he had just bought him and renovated together. We negotiated the property to £61,000 cash. The full Purchase price including all of our solicitor costs and stamp duty £63,723. The full refurbishment Refurb cost came to a total of £21,000. The full cash invested was £84,723.

We had estimated an end value resale of £95,000 – £105,000 with an £18,277 average estimated flip profit at 22%. We sold this property for £110,000 making a flip profit of £25,277 which is 30% return of cash invested

If we had decided to keep the property we would have leveraged the money for the highest return and received a conservative Bank valuation of £97,000 x 0.75 = £72,750 (the amount the bank will lend to us)

£81,723(cash in) – £72,750 ( amount bank has lent to us 75% of value = £8,973

Monthly rent £525 Yearly gross rent £6,300

Monthly Mortgage interest 3% = £181.80

Monthly maintenance = £53 10% of rent 

Monthly management cost = £53 10% of rent 

Total costs pcm £287.80

Profit monthly after expenses=£ 237.20

Yearly rental profit = £2,846.40

2,846.40 ÷ 8,973 = 31% ROI 

£72,750 will be given cash back 

Any questions just give us a call on 07909613771 happy to Help.

ARM Empire Getting the builders in for the Refurbishment

Have Any Questions? Give me a call on 07909613771 or drop us an email on [email protected]

OUR FEE for this project was £3,200 We also provide a full management fee for an additional £2,000 if you want ARM Empire to manage the entire process.

If you have CASH ready to invest with experts get in contact today

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